Find out your level

No Auditions?

This year, there will be no auditions so please read the level descriptions very carefully and make sure you sign up for the level that best fits you. This will give everyone the best possible experience of the festival.

We wrote down some descriptions for you to see if you fit a particular level. Although we have put years in these descriptions, we understand "dancing for this many years" is not a good measure and your feeling is more important. But be aware that everyone in the workshops benefits most when you choose the level fitting to your skill level. It is better to choose a level that seems comfortable than too challenging. When in doubt about what level to choose ask your lindy hop teacher for advice.

After signing up you are placed on a waiting list. No worries, this is just to make sure we have an even amount of leads and follows. You will receive a confirmation and information about payment by e-mail when you are taken off the waiting list.

Pick your level wisely :)

Lindy Hop Level Intermediate
SIU level 1C - first 2
You are no longer an absolute beginner and you start feeling comfortable on the social dance floor. You finished many basic courses. Dancing for just about more than a year, you are familiar with counts, know what swing-out, Texas Tommy, lindy circle are. Swingdom may be your first Lindy hop festival.
Lindy Hop Level Intermediate/Advanced
SIU level 2 multiple times
After Lindy hopping for more than two years, dancing is starting to become a big part of your life. You are found on the social dance floor regularly and maybe even went to a Lindy hop festival. Both slow and medium tempo feel comfortable. A decent amount of figures are familiar to you and you are exploring connection, styling, musicality and rhythm variations.
Lindy Hop Level Advanced
SIU level 3
You are starting to develop your own individual style and experimenting. The language of rhythm is spoken fluently. You are dancing about three or four years now, so slow and fast tempos are no problem for you. As well as basic improvisation and solo jazz. No social goes unattended and you have been to many workshops and international Lindy hop festivals. Please note we might organise an audition for this level at the beginning of the workshops.
Lindy Hop Level Advanced+
SIU audition and beyond
This one is for the most seasoned dancers. As you live and breath Lindy hop, local workshops don't cut it for you anymore. You have been dancing for more than 5 years now, you may even have taught classes in your local scene. Although you are an expert dancer, you know that there is still so much more to learn. Please note we might organise an audition for this level at the beginning of the workshops.
Solo Jazz Intermediate
SIU Solo Jazz Intermediate
You are no longer an absolute beginner and you start feeling comfortable on the social dance floor dancing solo. You might even have had one or two solo jazz courses before and/or know of the traditional routines such as the tranky doo etc. In this level you will learn variations on the vernacular jazz steps and open doors to improvisation on the dance floor
Solo Jazz Advanced
SIU Solo Jazz Advanced
You are starting to develop your own individual style and experimenting and have been dancing solo jazz regularly for over a year. You like improvising to the music and connecting with other solo jazz dancers on the dance floor. You want to improve your self-expression and technique while staying connected to the song.